Our work and our approach

At RJ4All Europe, we believe that power abuse is the biggest silent driver of inequalities, human rights violations and community tensions. We also have evidence to believe that public trust in public services is declining and that a new social contract between communities and governments is needed. We want to root out greed and disseminate power in a more equal way across Europe and internationally. We cannot achieve community cohesion and improve relationships whether at the inter-personal, inter-community or inter-state level without adopting a holistic approach.

While we deliver front-line restorative justice services (e.g. mediation, conferencing, circles), we ensure that this is supported with a combination of (a) preventative actions and projects (b) awareness raising campaigns (c) educational and capacity building services (d) robust research and evaluation.

We are passionate about the environment and we believe that by promoting a Green approach to everything we do not only empower current, but also future generations. We are also firm believers of evidence-driven practice, and that is why all our projects and services are informed by current and real need.



RJ4All Europe projects & campaigns

RJRC Erasmus project

The Restorative Justice for Restorative Communities (RJRC) project aims to increase knowledge and enhance the use of best practices in restorative justice at European level. Furthermore, it aims to enhance cooperation on European organizations to share best practices, promote benchmarking and further projects.

Youth work

We have expertise in delivering youth-led projects to achieve social justice and promote human rights. We also empower and support youth workers and educators with certified courses, networking and evidence to innovate and enhance their work with youth. We pay particular attention to marginalised youth groups and those at risk of being harmed or to harm.

FRED youth-led campaign

RJ4All hosts the pan-European youth-led FRED campaign aiming to promote Freedom - Respec - Equality - Dignity for young people. FRED was set up and is run by youth people from diverse backgrounds.

RJ4All Sports

At RJ4All, we harness the transformative power of sports to build resilience, foster agility, and cultivate prosocial identities among young people and adults. Our mission is clear: to steer individuals away from violence and criminal conduct by offering a platform for engagement, development, and empowerment through sports.