Addressing & Preventing Power Abuse in Europe

“Power abuse resulting to injustices, poverty and human rights violations is a reality. It is also a growing phenomenon that we silently witness in Europe and internationally, hoping that someone will finally do something about it. I felt I had to respond to this need by creating RJ4All Europe, and with the strong belief and determination to help rebalance power for all Europeans.

RJ4All Europe does what it says on the tin! It offers to Europe restorative justice for all through its practices but also values of power sharing, equality dignity, respect and involvement in decision making. We do this through a holistic solution to community tensions increasing community cohesion through the provision of local, national and international services. We want to work with like-minded organisations and individuals from across Europe and the world to implement this vision.

It is my dream that RJ4All Europe becomes a world movement that will see the local and international community rising up to the injustices that we have all silently accepted, and through partnership working achieve a better future for all”.

Dr. Theo Gavrielides

RJ4All Founder & Director

RJ4All Europe Theory of Change

At RJ4All Europe, we are passionate not only about what we do for our communities, but also in making sure that our impact is measured and put in the context of our charitable aims. We adopt the Theory of Change evaluation guide for all our projects including measuring our organisational impact. All our team members are trained so that they are able to create and monitor their projects’ individual Theory of Change.