Rj4All Education
RJ4All Education is a Vocational, Educational and Training provider that follows The European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET). This is a technical framework that has been introduced by the European Commission and which supports the transfer, recognition and accumulation of learning outcomes across Europe. ECVET provides a set of principles and tools that facilitate the process of learner recognition, with a view to achieving a qualification. Our e-courses are developed within the ECVET Framework. Through the use of learning outcomes, ECVET allows for improved design and enhanced quality assurance in the delivery of our e-courses.
The Level 5 Diploma in Restorative Justice Practice is regulated by The Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual).
In relation to our e-courses, most have a Continuous Professional Development (CPD) status meaning that successful completion leads to a CPD Certification. CPD points/ units are awards depending on the weight of each e-course. Once successfully completed, the learner can download the CPD certificate from this website. For our young learners, courses that have been designed as part of our Erasmus+ funded projects we offer YouthPass.

Rj4All Publications
RJ4All Publications was established by Dr. Theo Gavrielides in 2013 to act as the independent, publishing arm of the Restorative Justice for All (RJ4All) International Institute. RJ4All is a non-profit international NGO with a mission to balance power in society.
RJ4All Publications is now recognised as the world’s leading, independent publisher of restorative justice e-books. We also specialise in social sciences and the publication of cutting-edge research including but not limited to restorative justice, youth issues, criminal justice, equality and human rights.
We also publish peer reviewed journals including the Internet Journal of Restorative Justice (IJRJ®) and the Youth Voice Journal (YVJ™).
The Editor-in-Chief is Professor Theo Gavrielides. RJ4All Publications is steered by several Academic and Editorial Boards with members from the international academic community. We work with several partners who act as distributors, funders, promoters and supporters. We are non-profit venture operating under the restorative justice principle of power sharing and with the belief that the biggest power is education and knowledge.

Rj4All Resources

The RJ Webinar series with Theo Gavrielides
As part of RJ4All’s Youtube channel, we are pleased to offer this webinar series by Prof. Theo Gavrielides.
Restorative Justice Podcasts

Eager to learn more? Visit the RJ4ALL YouTube Channel